Rearranging my cookbook shelves

bookshelves of cookbooks

I have three shelves devoted to cookbooks. Before I started all this, I had one. And yet, I have found, that there are certain books I keep going back to, so I have moved all of those down to the third shelf down, so that I don’t have to climb on the chair to get to the books, as I have been doing.

Some books, I have had forever. Some books old room mates left behind. Others, Cartoonist has picked up.

You can kind of tell where I am at every part of my cooking, by looking at which books I was buying, from four or five crockpot books, to how to makes things in 20 minutes. I must have five or six books on how to cook with children, which are actually quite handy if I want to make something quickly. The recipes are very simple, and quite good.

Someone asked me if I had gone vegan, and I said, no, not yet. I still eat chicken and eggs, but I have found that if given a choice, I would be quite happy with just veggies and fruit.

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