Making Yogurt Part I

One of the first things I wanted to know how to make was yogurt. I had been having a lot of problems finding a yogurt I liked to eat, and then I would read the ingredients, and say, oh, there has to be a better way.


But, I had never made it before, and wondered just how hard it would be. A friend sent me a recipe she had followed, as well as telling me what hardware I needed. Apparently one needs a yogurt incubator. She gave me the link from the Cheese Making shop. Made me want to learn to make cheese too, but decided to start with yogurt.

What I liked about the Yogertherm, as it was called, was that it wasn’t electric. I didn’t like the idea of having to use electricity to make yogurt.

In addition to the yogurt warmer, I also needed a liquid thermometer and glass jars to keep the yogert in when it was done. I wouldn’t even have though of that, so it was good that my friend listed everything that I would have to have before even starting.

My sweetie kept asking when I was going to start. She knew I wanted to make the yogurt, but I was a bit intimidated. The instructions said things like “It must be 180 degrees” and it “must stay 110 degrees for 10 hours”. Scary stuff. What if it didn’t? would I get food poisoning?

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