Buying stuff

Although I tend to buy my ingredients at the Farmer’s Market (the two that run in my area), as well as the local health food store, and the CSA I belong to, I do, as I wrote yesterday, like to pick up gadgets for the kitchen.

One of my favorite places is Chef Works, which is downtown Santa Cruz. It is crammed to the walls with all sorts of things that one can buy, and you either have to know what you want to go there for, or go there without a goal in mind, and just go from shelf to shelf, which is what I did the other day.

The other place I shop, is on-line with King Arther Flour Company. Whomever is building and maintaining their site, I must say, I take my hat off to them. It is a lovely place, both with the blog, with their wonderful recipes and their great catalog.  Sometimes, like with Chef Works, I just like to browse around, and see what is being offered. My sweetie, knowing how much I love their stuff, got me gift certificate from them, and I had the joy of looking and thinking about what to spend it on.

Mini Food Processor, from the catalog

In the end, I got a mini-food processor, thinking that would help when the food mill wasn’t quite up to snuff. We shall see which one I use more. I also bought some gluten free flour, and another cookbook on how to cook gluten free.  More fun for me.

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