What the frick? (glazed lemon muffins)

The lumpy batter

I mean really what the Frick!!? We were actually going to try to make a recipe without changing anything!! you heard me!! NOTHING!! zero, zip, nada, nothing! No ingredient was changed!!…well maybe there was a little swichero on the flour but that doesn’t count OK!

Anyway my mom and i both thought that it would be fun to make something without changing anything for once.  We thought “Oh what could possibly go wrong?? We’re following the god damn recipe! The recipe will guide us”… Did the cooking gods agree with our small change? NO! NONONO they did not! they thought “Ohh they’re trying to make something from the book! lets make their batter look like bread dough!”

That’s exactly what they bloody did! While i was mixing the batter thinking of that this might make a good breakfast tomorrow, i noticed the batter wasn’t really batter anymore. Pointing this out to my mom she was concerned, but we both decided what the hell and into the muffin tin the “batter” goes.

The glazed muffins

Despite their appearance they were actually very good with the glaze on top which goes to show kids…NEVER FOLLOW A RECIPE, CHANGE IT!! At least they were not as bad as those bloody macaroons (by the way if i sound way to British and sweary today blame Dr Who and Zero Punctuation)

Amendment by Admin: The recipe was from page 97 of the Broccoli Forest cookbook. We changed from white flour to white rice flour. I did add a dash of xianth gum, but looking back, I think I should have used a few more eggs.

In the morning, since we didn’t put the muffins away the night before, the glaze had hardened, and the muffins weren’t bad. The lemon was very lemony, which I liked. Still, more like a biscuit than a muffin though.

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