Using up summer squash, cookies

grinding up the squash

We got a bunch of squash from the farm (our CSA), and thought, wow, we can do something with this, and that something was a recipe from the Camp Joy blog (our CSA). Even though none of theirs have worked out yet, I thought, ok, one more time.

While Cartoonist mixed the ingredients, I grated up the squash in the mini-food processor. The recipe called for two cups, and that surely would use up a a good amount of squash.

Beating the mix

Meanwhile, Cartoonist mix and mixed, and we put in different elements then were called for. We used the following:

  • 1 cup of butter
  • 2 cups raw shugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla and almond
  • 3 cups of flours, which were half white rice and half coconut
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp cinamon
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 2 cups summer squash
  • 3 1/2 cups of oatmeal, which we didn’t have, so put in steal cup oats.

Steel cut oats instead of oatmeal, first mistake

I’m not sure if that was our first mistake, but it was definitely not the good thing to do. The mix was dry at that point, and got even drier. The squash did not make it any less dry. I’m not sure why it was this way, and wonder if I had cooked the oatmeal it might have worked, but it was crumbly and we tasted it, and figured it didn’t taste too bad, so put it out on cookie sheets to bake.

Cumbly, uncooked steel cut oats.

The first few cookies were crumbly when they came off the sheet. We tried making them smaller, baking them longer, and a few other tricks, but for the most part, unless we made them very thin, they did not cook all the way through.

So, if we were to make this again, I’m not sure what I would change.

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