Making Hummus Part II

My finished hummus, in all its glory

Farmer's Market hummus from "The Mint" in Scotts Valley

I went to the store to see what was in the tahini, just in case I gave up and bought some. I actually found some that didn’t have any other ingredients then sesame seeds, but that got me even more of a mind to make my own. However, I couldn’t figure out how to grind the seeds.  I don’t have food processor, though I do have a blender.  My partner came up with an idea. She suggested using her coffee grinder, or the mortar and pestle.  Next time I will try that. This time, I tried the coffee grinder, though it didn’t work all that well, and few seeds weren’t ground.

Then came adding all the ingredients. I was missing scallions, so threw in some garlic scrapes which didn’t work quite the way I wanted, and didn’t really grind in the blender. I also threw in a red pepper, because the one I liked from The Mint had that in it, even though it wasn’t in the recipe I was following.

Nothing ground up very well, including the garbanzo beans, which tended to stay on top. Granted, I don’t use the blender that often, and perhaps that is the way it always works, that you have to shift, and move stuff as it pures.

After shifting, and grinding, I finally came up with something that resembled hummus, and I pulled it out of the of the blender. That is what I took the photo of.

It is not as smooth as store-bought, but it does taste like hummus, so I guess I succeeded. Not sure if I will do it quite this way next time, but one food I can tick off my list.

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